


ESES is the name of a passion project thing I've worked on for around 4 years now. It started just as a little oc story but I've written and created so many different little things for it, that I see it as if it created a little life of its own. ESES and its world is super important to me, so I'm putting this piece of myself in one little archive on this website

In velit nisl, eleifend placerat odio eu, finibus fermentum dui. Pellentesque pretium vestibulum scelerisque. Donec ac nulla iaculis, volutpat dolor sit amet, tristique urna. Aliquam dolor diam, elementum at feugiat a, fermentum non massa. Donec a porta lacus, non ultricies velit. Suspendisse commodo orci nec nunc interdum, non bibendum orci posuere. Cras nunc eros, pharetra sed bibendum a, dignissim id felis. Nulla vehicula neque vulputate interdum pellentesque. Etiam scelerisque eros condimentum turpis varius, ac posuere ligula auctor. Nunc feugiat tempus leo sit amet tincidunt. Pellentesque porttitor dui quis purus pharetra lacinia. Nunc at diam porttitor, dictum nisi at, pellentesque turpis. Vestibulum gravida pharetra ligula non accumsan. Integer eu nulla tellus.


Rex is a young man apart of ESES, working alongside magicians, but with one difference: he isn't able to use magic. Rex struggles with his disconnection from his group as well as discovering the corruption in the Execution Squad system until he unravels the truth of what jesters and magicians really are.

ESES takes place in a near-ish future alternate history right after a nuclear weapon arms race reshaped the Earth to the point only one body of land was inhabitable. The last humans left began their repair of the world, and before they knew it, reality was changing. People who had really strong desires started turning into beings that were almost supernatural. these beings were sometimes able to wield magical abilities and could even create an entrance into a separate universe created for themself. These beings almost always resembled clowns and called their universes "cirques", leading to people calling them jesters. Jesters only barely resembled the human that they once were, and often attacked humans, looking to gain more power. Humans soon discovered that some of them could wield an ability that was the only thing that could kill jesters. These humans were called magicians. The government in the capitol, simply titled as Central, decided to set up officiated groups of magicians to kill jesters for their jobs: called execution squads. With one squad for each of the countries four sections, this is what lead to the creation of the story's main group ESES, or the East Sector's Execution Squad. .
